5 Reasons to Partner
Your gift will support long-term needs and opportunities, investing in solutions that strengthen our community now and for the future.
You give to the causes and charities you care about, knowing that our expertise and community connections will ensure your gift has the most meaningful impact.
You build a permanent legacy while responding to the current needs of today, helping ensure a brighter future for our community.
Your gift is invested in a pool with other donors to maximize growth and minimize costs.
You will make a lasting difference, working together with us to build a stronger, healthier and more vibrant community for everyone.

Funds available
Community Funds
Gives the Foundation flexibility to address the emerging needs of our ever-changing community. With no specific focus, these funds benefit all facets of the community including: arts & culture, environment, health & welfare, children & families, sports & recreation, youth, seniors, education, community development, and heritage conservation.
Field of Interest Funds
The donor chooses the particular area where the grants will be given and the Foundation chooses the grantee agencies. Minimum $10,000 to initiate which can be contributed over 5 years.
Charitable Organization Funds
The donor designates the beneficiary organization(s). Minimum $10,000 to initiate which can be contributed over 5 years.
Named Funds
Created to recognize the donor, family, corporation, association, deceased person, honouree, event or other entity. Income can be designated or left to the discretion of the Foundation. Minimum $10,000 to initiate which can be contributed over 5 years.
Scholarships / Bursaries
Create a new fund to enable a deserving student to continue their education. Minimum $10,000 to initiate which can be contributed over 5 years.
Donor Advised Funds
Income is distributed annually at the donor’s discretion within Foundation guidelines. Minimum $10,000 to initiate which can be contributed over 5 years.
Flow-Thru Funds
These Funds are not held in the Endowment. Instead, they respond to an immediate, short-term need. These projects must align with our the Mission of the Foundation.
Funds Established
Take a look at the Funds that have been established.
Contact us about funds
Our mission
Read more about who are are, how we help and how you could help the community.
Apply for a grant
Learn about who benefits from the grants we offer and apply today.
Estabilsh a fund, grant, scholarhsip or donate to an existing one.
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