Projects & News
Hospice on Wheels, Pals/Palliative Care, Grief and Bereavement Support Groups
The Hospice Society is dedicated to filling the gap in senior care and bereavement support in Revelstoke. Helping people find meaning, dignity and peace is at the core of what they do, and it starts well before end of life. We are proud to have supported Society this past year.The “Hospice on Wheels” is a […]
Welcome to the Boneyard
BC Interior Forestry Museum is adding local heavy logging equipment to their outdoor arena called the Boneyard. This area is part of their River Forest Walk. It was a blowdown area that has been cleared, seeded and will serve as a venue for community gatherings.Currently, the only relic of the past that has been relocated […]
Vital Conversations
What are some issues and challenges the youth in this community are facing? That is one of the questions asked at a Vital Conversation event on February 27, 2020 at Dose Coffee. Two local youth facilitators and several local youth aged 19-29 discussed many topics with several themes emerging, such as Opportunity, Housing, Connection and […]
A community response to COVID-19
Revelstoke Responds to the COVID-19 Pandemic COVID-19 restraints altered the way organizations and non-profits function in our communities. The resulting economic impact put many programs and charities in jeopardy. In response, the federal government launched the Emergency Community Support Fund (ECSF) on May 19th, 2020, through Community Foundations of Canada. These funds were distributed to […]
FARTS in the Park
FARTS in the Park (Free ART Sessions in the Park)When it comes to programs that hit all the right marks the creators of this program fit the bill in spades! They have selflessly donated their ideas, time and resourses to offering a popular all inclusive art program for children and families that is environmentally responsible.FARTS […]